Three days ago we arrived in Queenstown for a time of rest & fellowship. We have all had an amazing time with our hosts, Janet and Chris. They have a large home and rent rooms to English learning students who attend the school there in Queenstown. These students are from various parts of the world and come to live with them. Janet is also the pastor of a unique downtown storefront church. She took us on a grand tour of the church with its unique and diverse ministry rooms: a video teaching room, a prayer/intercession room, a massage ministry room, and so forth. We spent some time worshiping down there. Then she gave us a tour of the town and surrounding areas. Chris has been employed with a media engineering company and has set up a large screen theater with surround sound in their home. Awesome!!
All students and guest, us, gather at their large table for dinner. What an interesting student practice their English. Janet's son is a pilot for a charter airline in town.
On a few occasions, we have found ourselves doing things and going places that we would have not done so on our, we can all say we've gone to the "edge" of adventure. There is a notorious road known as, Skipper Rd., that is a one lane dirt road carved out along the edge of 3000 ft mountains. Janet's son, William, drove their van for us on this adventure. Wow!! Here are some of the photos.
We were warned! This is Skipper Rd. |
On the way to Queenstown through gold country. |
On the way to Skipper's Rd. with a view of Queenstown. |
Looking for a little gold... |
Maori Chief Leader, Kukupa, for the South Island Maori of New Zealand |
Those are some beautiful pictures. I like the reference to the "edge" of adventure, by the looks of the road I can see what you mean. Love and Miss you guys.
beautiful pictures :)))) it was a real blessing and encouragement meeting you all on Saturday