Luella Olson
CEO/Team Minister & Leader
An anointed minister, teacher, and mentor, Luella Olson ministers the supernatural to leaders creating an atmosphere of God’s tangible glory with manifestations perceived by the five physical senses. Angelic visitations and heavenly encounters are some of the signs and wonders that are commonplace when she ministers. She is dedicated to developing the potentials of believers as “Gates of (His) Glory” from Psalms 24:7-10. She has mentored believers who today are leaders in ministry. Associates working within Gates of Glory International share in this ministry as part of the team to be “covered,“ launched or groomed into their ministries.
In 1986, Luella was ordained by the Full Gospel Assemblies and later by the Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association as a minister of the gospel. In 2007, she was ordained in Humble, Texas by legendary healing Evangelists, Charles and Frances Hunter.
In denominational circles she attended, she was encouraged to pursue higher education to fulfill her missions call. She graduated from college with a B.A. in Biological Sciences followed by a year of high school teacher training earning California's certification. She has completed a M.A. from Denver Seminary and continued doctoral studies in guidance and counseling at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC). Toward the end of her program at UNC in 1981, she received the baptism in the Holy Spirit surfacing prophetic/apostlic calling and giftings which changed the course of her studies and ministry. She was accepted into the Doctor of Ministry program at Oral Roberts University but after a little more than a year, she was redirected by the Spirit of God, and completed a Ph.D. in Scriptural Psychology from Kingsway Theological Seminary and honored as valedictorian.
She has traveled abroad in several countries including Sweden, Germany, Philippines, Haiti, and Mexico ministering in prophetic activation of gifts of healing, discernment, and the supernatural. Here in the states, she has ministered in Colorado for about 15 years in counseling with Christain centers, churches and in private practice. She has pastored several home churches both in Colorado and California. She was thrust back into the educational school system with a ministry in that marketplace for 16 years in both Oklahoma and Caifornia challenging and initiating opportunities for students to voice their Christain beliefs freely as well as impacting certain students in their destiny and Christian development.
She resides in Redding, California where the GOGI ministry is based. She has ministered in small women seminars locally among some of the mainstream churches teaching and training believers to hear the voice of God and activating their spiritual gifts. She is an author and is presently working on a couple of books that will be completed this year.

Roberta McRae
Prophetic Intercessor

Kimberly Kennedy

Hinehau Pepene
New Zealand Contact Host
Prophetic Intercessor
Becky McCoy brings a merger of the prophetic and administrative abilities that keeps Gates of Glory International grounded during this two month tour. As an entrepreneur in past years, she helped establish a small business in Oregon. Presently, she is working full time, and attending school full time. She graduated this last spring with an Associate of Arts degree in Medical and Office Business Administration. In 2012, she attends Simpson University. She is raising two sons, Jake (14) and Jared (10), and also caretaking for her elderly mother. Currently, she is residing in Redding, California.