Prophet Wiremu (William) Ratana was born on January 25, 1873, his birthday is still celebrated at the Ratana Pa every year. He experienced an extrodinay encounter with God in 1918. One day standing in the field of his farm, He saw a cloud roll in from the sea before him, a bright light was in the center of it and fire was at the rear of it. A ray of sunlight beamed through and Ratana fell to the ground...hearing the voice of God calling him to bring the gospel to his people. It was during this time that he heard and saw visions for the future as the Holy Spirit began speaking to him about his destiny.
In the spring of 1918 the great influenza epidemic struck New Zealand. With it, five times as many Maori as Europeans died from the flu. During this time, after Ratana's conversion accompanied by supernatural signs and wonders, he launched into a massive healing ministry, the likes of which has not been seen before or since in New Zealand. He preached against everything ungodly in his own culture to turn the people from supertitions and idolatry. At the same time, he preached the healing power of a loving God transforming whole Maori communities as manifest in healings, delivereance and miracles...from 1918 to 1926.
By November 1920, the pilgrimage of Maori people to Ratana Pa was well established even to this present day. Ratana Pa is where Ratana lived and was empowered by God in 1918. The transformation of his once quiet farm became a densely populated shantytown. Large marque, small tents and huts were being built. Electricity was installed and Ratana Pa became the setting of a religious village.
It was prophesied earlier that a deliverer would come for the Maori people carring the Holy Bible in his right hand and the treaty in his right hand. The treaty referred to was known as the Treaty of Waitangi of the late 1800's. It represented an agreement in which Maori gave the Crown rights to govern and to develop British settlements, while the Crown guaranteed Maori full protection of their interests and status, and full citizenship rights. The man that fulfilled that prophetic word was Prophet Ratana.
After 1926, he was encouraged to enter the governmental/political scene in New Zealand. Historically, by 1900 the Maori population had dwindled to an estimated 42,000. Today, the Maori race is totally racially mingled with Europeans. However, the culture and heritage continues with passion among their traced descendants. Ratana pioneered a political party, and a movement which has effectively brought the treaty back to life resulting in a Maori/European restitution over the following decades.
Ratana was called a "Miracle Man," who believed in the power of prayer and was to become the greatest spiritual leader that has ever moved among the Maori people of New Zealand. Today there are many wheelchairs, walking sticks, crutches, back braces and more in a museum from the many miracles and healings that occurred in his meetings. Almost 4000 Maori attended Ratana's funeral at Ratana Pa in 1939. The Ratana Church demonination continues to this day.