Sunday, January 30, 2011

Auckland is Refreshing

We continued our Ratana journey in Auckland.  We caught up with Hinehau's friend, Kaye, on Saturday and together we went to several sights around Auckland declaring freedom to the land and people.  We visited one Marae on the top of a hill overlooking the city and it was a powerful experience.  Kaye initiated a couple of prophetic acts demonstrating the forgiveness and reconciliation  between Maori and Pakeha (Europeans) at a loinhead fountain, and prayed. 

The day culminated with listening to the prophetic words for the New Zealand churches sponsored by Extreme Prophetic NZ and Horizon Church.  Ian Johnson concluded the evening conference meeting with a word about what God is doing in 2011...bringing the church into alignment with the Kingdom of God.  All speakers spoke of New Zealand's incredible destiny and how God will use NZ in the coming years with a global impact.  God's glory is going to be pouring out upon this land. 

The Lord has blessed us mightily with our stay with Joye and Ian Johnson near Auckland.  Their ministry website addresss is and is worth a look see.  What a precious couple and blessing to the body of Christ.  We are looking forward to a few days of resting before leaving on Thursday, February 17th, for the Cape and the Waitangi Celebration where we'll be visiting more Marae's and seeing the tip top of the North Island.

Check back later for new photos and updates.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

On the Road Again! Destination Auckland

The celebration of Ratana's birthday went smoothly.  We enjoyed the procession and the service.  Then we were off to Rotorua, where we stayed with a friend, Mary.  It was a lovely evening of sharing and fellowship, including much laughter.  Mary treated us to facials the following morning.  Then we returned to Rebecca and Charles' house in Te Puke, our home base, for a day of rest and laundry.  We had a wonderful night of fellowship with friends last night and good food. 

Today, Friday, we are leaving for Auckland and continuing our Ratana Trail. We have several Maraes to visit and pray at.  We have plans to spend the weekend with friends in Auckland and attending an Extreme Prophetic meeting, plus visiting several churches.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ratana Celebration

Yesterday we arrived at Ratana Paa, to be a part of the Ratana Celebration among the Maori people.  We had the opportunity to be a part of a Powhiri, an official welcome to the Marae, along with the New Zealand's Prime Minister and other Ministers of Parliament (MPs).  We witnessed a baptism of two children in the Ratana Temple by their Apostle (minister) and were encouraged to participate by singing hymns along with them. We sang in English, they sang in Maori.  On the grounds of the Marae, the host families feed the crowd, they anticipate that at least 8,000 people are here, the numbers are down due to the rain, they can feed up to 300 people at a time and people rotate through nearly all day long.  At night, large rooms are set aside for sleeping, mattresses line the walls and the center of the room, where families sleep together. We slept, a bit, among all the people.

The opportunities to meet and talk with the people has been wonderful.  The Maori King is here and staying at the house where Ratana had his encounter with the Holy Spirit.  We tried to go through the house, but due to the King staying in the house we were not allowed, but invited back by one of Ratana's descendants when King was not there.

Today, we are celebrating Ratana's birthday with a band leading a procession down the street to  Ratana's Temple where a service will take place for about an hour or so.  Once the service is over, we're back on the road and heading toward Rotorua.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Back to Christchurch and Beyond...

This morning, January 21st, we are leaving Queenstown to go back up towards the North Island continuing our prayer journey throughout the country.

Can't forget Janet's great dinners.

And, fabulous view of Queenstown
One long 9 hour drive yesterday from Queenstown to Christchurch...but beautiful!  Today, January 22nd, we located another Marae where Ratana ministered.  After praying, we headed north to Blenheim...covering many hours of driving.  We are hurrying to catch the  ticketed ferry on the morning of the 23rd, that would be tomorrow, from Picton on the South Island back to Wellington on the North Island.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Queenstown - Where Half the Real Estate is Owned by Tourists!

Three days ago we arrived in Queenstown for a time of rest & fellowship.  We have all had an amazing time with our hosts, Janet and Chris.  They have a large home and rent rooms to English learning students who attend the school there in Queenstown.  These students are from various parts of the world and come to live with them.  Janet is also the pastor of a unique downtown storefront church.  She took us on a grand tour of the church with its unique and diverse ministry rooms:  a video teaching room, a prayer/intercession room, a massage ministry room, and so forth.  We spent some time worshiping down there.  Then she gave us a tour of the town and surrounding areas.  Chris has been employed with a media engineering company and has set up a large screen theater with surround sound in their home.  Awesome!!

All students and guest, us, gather at their large table for dinner.  What an interesting student practice their English.  Janet's son is a pilot for a charter airline in town. 

On a few occasions, we have found ourselves doing things and going places that we would have not done so on our, we can all say we've gone to the "edge" of adventure.  There is a notorious road known as, Skipper Rd., that is a one lane dirt road carved out along the edge of 3000 ft mountains.  Janet's son, William, drove their van for us on this adventure.  Wow!!  Here are some of the photos.

We were warned!  This is Skipper Rd.

On the way to Queenstown through gold country.

On the way to Skipper's Rd. with a view of Queenstown.

Looking for a little gold...

Maori Chief Leader, Kukupa, for the South Island Maori of New Zealand

Monday, January 17, 2011

On The Move Little River Train Station!

Yesterday, we continued on the Ratana Trail visiting two Maraes as well as Little River Train Station where Ratana caught the train for his travels in this area.  Our prayer time at each of the Maraes were very powerful yet very different.  In particular at the Onuku Marae, in Akaroa, the Lord lead Hinehau to do some very different prophetic acts to release the Lord's word over this region/area.  At each place we have continued to sow the bread and the wine (communion) into the land declaring healing, restoration and revival to the land and Maori people.

Ratana arrived here at Little River.

On the road again....

On the way to Akaroa...

Ratana preach at this small church (capacity of 25) primarily to the Maori people .  Over 500 came on one occasion around 1923 to here the Gospel.

East of Christchurch at Akaroa

Today, we are heading south towards Queenstown, as we wrap up the south island part of the Ratana Trail.  Please continue to pray for us as we travel on the road.  Weather conditions in the lower mainland area called for much rain and winds from the perimeter of cyclonic activity.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thank You Lord for the Repaired Car!

Tracking our journey day by day is quite a challenge...lack of time and lack of internet are huge obstacles.  So we are just going to title events as we travel along.

While waiting in town, Hanmer Springs, to get all the details of retrieving the car, Kimberly reported a visual revelation of a clamp that came off the hose connected to the transmission.  She, evidently, did not hear Henry' take on the problem.  According to the mechanic that fixed the problem, the clamp came off a hose which made it a minor repair.  So in short order, we were back on the road to Christchurch.

While waiting for the car's return, we discovered some of the history of Hanmer Springs.  It's thermal springs have such healing properties. Hospitals have been built around the hot springs, and soldiers from WWI were brought here for the healing of mental disorders. The team prayed over the land for restoration of healing wells to be released.  God has so blessed us with His favor and grace.

A Divine Detour...Off The Itinery! Oh, well...!

Yesterday on our way to Christchurch our car broke down about 30 km outside of Hamner Springs.  We left a trail of oil and were smoking from under the hood.  The hood was up and a kind couple, Henry and Rose, stopped to help.  Henry commented that it was transmission fluid and that a hose became deconnected or that the hose below the radiator was damaged.  We were all able to hitch a ride from this Maori couple, who were so precious to stop and a true God sent.  Rose, a believer, shared that they were going to meet their adult daughter and family for dinner.  They delayed that dinner meeting to help us.  They stayed with us until Hinehau had conformation about the rental companies ability to help us.  What a blessing they were.

Lue found a backpacker lodge to stay in that night.  It was gettng late an a pasta restaurant allowed us to order even though is was near their closing.  What favor...thank you Lord!  As we left the restaurant and headed toward the lodge down the street, the unique cloud formation caught our eye.  Hopefully, we can share a few pictures on the blog.

Thank you all for your prayers. We love you so much!

The next morning we thought we would be getting a new car delivered to us, and then head for Christchurch.  However, they were able to fix the car problem and returned it to us.  Yeah, God!  The new car would have been smaller.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 7: Basket Weaving & Other Precious Gems

Today, we are continuing on our Ratana Trail from Motueka to Takaka where will meet up with a woman, Marilyn, who is a weaver and will be teaching us how to weave using native flax leaves.  Hinehau contact this alumni of Faith Bible College to show us the ancient art of Maori weaving.  We made small baskets that afternoon.  We are all excited and looking forward to this adventure. 

Afterwards, we'll be taking a few days for holiday & sight seeing.  Then we will continue on our "Prayer Journey" back on the "Ratana Trail" on Sunday the 16th. 

Thanks to all those who are supporting us in prayer as we follow the Lord's leading to learn and love the Maori people.  At each place along the way, as the Lord has directed us, we have been breaking bread, pouring out the wine and praying over the Maori land and people. 

We have had so much favor with many Maori people and have heard so many stories of their family, their struggles and accomplishments, and legacies.  Eack story is like a "gem" that we take with us.  As a team we listen with our hearts and treasure the "gems" of these precious people and in return sow our love and respect.  We have seen the lives of individuals as well as whole families moved by the love of God as He touches them with His presences.  It has been such a joy to partner with the Holy Spirit and only time and heaven will know the efforts or results of our "prayer journey" on the "Ratana Trail."  To God be ALL the glory!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 4: Continuing Our Prayer Journey of the Ratana Trail

We (the team) are all about to sit down with our host family and guests to have breakfast together.  Then we will hit the road again to continue our prayer journey on the the Ratana Trail, moving from Opotiki to Torero, Te Kaha and then finally onto Araroa.  We will be visiting the different Maraes and Maori people in each place and blessing them and their land as the Lord leads us.

Yesterday was really an amazing prayer time at each place and we were all so honored in how the Lord manifested His presence and anointing.  We are all sensing the hand of the Lord on us and our journey in ways beyond anything we had imagined.  We ended our journey in Opotiki where we meet our host Tricia and all her guests who were waiting to welcome us with food and fellowship.  Actually, this group was part of a home church that she pastored.  Afterward, the Lord took us into a ministry time.  Lue shared about God's heart and mandate about home churches.  Next Kimberly offered an exercise in prophesying.  That turned out not only to be an anointed time but fun as well.  Then Lue and others ministered to a Maori man with destiny words and healing.  Everyone was touched and moved by the presence of God.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 3 - The Journey Begins on the Road

We are so grateful to Rebecca and Charlie our host home here in Te Puke, New Zealand!  What a fun time we have had in fellowship, food and rest!

The rental car is packed and we are heading for Te Teko, Waimana, Ruatoki, Whakatane, and then Opotiki.  This is the beginning of the Ratana Trail.  See the section on our blogsite for information about Prophet Wm. Ratana.  It will explain the purpose of visiting the many Maraes that he preached in...that God would raise up many leaders from those areas who will preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and perform many miracles confirming His Word.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 2 - The Worldwide Christian Gathering of Indigenous People

What a great restful night in Rebecca and Charlie's host home!
We joined the The Worldwide Christian Gathering of Indigenous Peoples of the World in the afternoon.  This event is a once in every two years Maori welcoming meeting they call, a "Powhiri."  The longest reigning queen's son, King Te Arikinui Tuheitioa Paki, was present and we were greeted in the Maori tradition of "honge," the touching of  the forehead and nose.  Each nation represented spoke a greeting and in Maori tradition the Maori elders responded in song.

What a wonderful introduction to the Maori culture and people!!

Day 1 in New Zealand - Our New Zealand Beginnings!

We landed safely into New Zealand, drove three hours to our final destination, Te Puke, took a shower, ate dinner and had our first ministry meeting/fellowship.  God's presence showed up in a powerful and glorious way.  As He ministered to us and through us we couldn't help but marvel in awe of His goodness and how He was moving.  So much happened last night and we wish we could share everything, but one young lady the Lord was ministering to in particular recieved several 'keys of breakthrough' from the Lord for her own family as well as for the Maori women as a whole.  Lue ministered to her on how to use these keys and filled her with such joy and laughter of the Spirit to the point of overflowing.  Our time together was way beyond any of our expectations.  Thank you Lord for your manifested presence!  We are all so thankful to be apart of what He is doing.  

Kimberly had a wonderful opportuinty this morning to share her testimony and breakthrough, of  how God healed her of some deseases, with another young lady who is now suffering from the same conditions.  Kimberly and Roberta both prayed with her and is believing to see the full restoration of her healing before departing back to the US.  God touched this young lady with His resurrection power of life and we believe the power of sickness has been broken off of her life.  We are all encouraged to see God's healing process over the next two months and would appreciate your prayers as well for this young lady.

This afternoon we are all headed to a Maori meeting/celebration.  We are all filled with such great excitement, joy and anticipation to learn more about the Maori people, their culture and to see God bless them in a might way.  We can't wait to see what God will do this afternoon.  And until next time we ask that you please continue to keep us in prayer.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We landed in LA @ 8:53 AM.  Off tocheck out the place.
First stop was El Porto Beach, the sky was awesome.
 Then we found this great sign.  Portent of the trip?
Next off to those stinky La Brea Tar Pits.

The day ended in a Pedicure and Manicure before boarding the plane.
Flight left at 9:30 PM for a 12 hour flight.

Day 1 in the USA - The Journey Begins

We took off 7AM, January 6th, from Redding, California for our 10 hour layover in Los Angeles.  After renting a car in LA, we visited the beach and then the La Brea Tar Pits.  Then after a manicure and pedicure and chinese food, we headed back to the airport full and "beautiful" and ready to face the longest leg of the flight...10.5 hours!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Countdown: Day 3 - More Work on the Blog

Two more days before departure.  The "Map-Us" is awesome.  Take a look!  Zoom in right down onto the beach near Tauranga, New Zealand!  You can see the waves!!

Thanks Ian for your hard work!  And thanks Marsha for your editing expertise and ideas!  Many blessings to you both!!

Countdown: Day 4 - Where did the day go!

It is 1:00 AM!  Well, this afternoon we met with Hinihau in New Zealand on skype.  Saturday we conference skyped, works well, and there were urgent medical needs for her mother.  Praise God, her mother's foot infection is about 85% better today! 

Our kiwi freinds, Rebecca and Charles, who are also our hosts in New Zealand, reported the car deal fell through.  But, these sweet beleivers have gifted us with a pre-paid rental car for our travels.  That is huge!  Father, bless them mightly!!

To have a part in this intercessory prayer campaign among the Maori tribes throughout New Zealand, just click "Donate" and Paypal will designate your gift to our ministry account.  As I understand it, fuel is about $6.00/gallon in USD.  We also just want to bless the people not only with prayer, encouragement, healing, or teaching, but we want to help some of the needy as much as we can financially. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Countdown: Day 5 - Happy New Year! January 1, 2011

We hope your first day of the new year 2011 was full of joy and rest!  All of us on the team have experienced obstacles of one kind or another especially this past week.  But we push on through as the Holy Spirit leads.  Our Father always has a better idea! And, a better way!  We are so greatful for the freinds and family around us that have been sooooo supportive!  Thank You, again and again for you all your prayers!

Thank you Ian, who has updated pages to our blogsite!  He has made it possible to donate on line and follow along on the trip through the google map page.  We are working on making the comment section a bit more user freindly.