Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bus to Auckland before Leaving New Zealand

Charlie, thanks for the ride to the Tauranga bus stop early Tuesday morning.  Once on board with all our luggage stored, what a pleasant ride...that driver could really make that bus move.  We switched buses in Hamilton and proceeded to Bombay, a small town south of Auckland.  Ian picked us up and our luggage was stacked in the "boot" and back seat.  Joye Johnson had prepared a beautiful Greek supper for us that evening.  We chatted some and napped a bit.  Later in the afternoon, I got up and found a coin on the floor.  I had the thought to put it on the trim of the door to the stuck!  Still there when I left!!  A sign and a wonder!!!

Wednesday we joined Ian and Joye on errands in town.  We shopped and found another sports bag to carry our stuff and to even out  the weight in the suitcases.  Got home and found an Israeli coin on my window sill.  Put it on another door trim near the stairwell  to their rooms.  It stuck!!  Showed Ian and he gave me another larger coin from Israel.  It only stuck for about 10 seconds at a time before falling.  We prayed over the door area.  This time it stuck.  I believe these are signs and wonders.  That evening Joye put on another amazing spread for dinner; she loves cooking.  Kaye and Mandy drove down from the northside of Auckland, about an hour's drive, because they wanted to come and honor us before we left. special is that!

Ian had another guest and we all sat around the table sharing testimonies and other stories.  I noticed Ian's coin fell I got up to put it on the wall trim again.  It stayed until after we left.  The other two coins continue to stay up.  Now that's not something to think about.

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