Monday, January 24, 2011

Ratana Celebration

Yesterday we arrived at Ratana Paa, to be a part of the Ratana Celebration among the Maori people.  We had the opportunity to be a part of a Powhiri, an official welcome to the Marae, along with the New Zealand's Prime Minister and other Ministers of Parliament (MPs).  We witnessed a baptism of two children in the Ratana Temple by their Apostle (minister) and were encouraged to participate by singing hymns along with them. We sang in English, they sang in Maori.  On the grounds of the Marae, the host families feed the crowd, they anticipate that at least 8,000 people are here, the numbers are down due to the rain, they can feed up to 300 people at a time and people rotate through nearly all day long.  At night, large rooms are set aside for sleeping, mattresses line the walls and the center of the room, where families sleep together. We slept, a bit, among all the people.

The opportunities to meet and talk with the people has been wonderful.  The Maori King is here and staying at the house where Ratana had his encounter with the Holy Spirit.  We tried to go through the house, but due to the King staying in the house we were not allowed, but invited back by one of Ratana's descendants when King was not there.

Today, we are celebrating Ratana's birthday with a band leading a procession down the street to  Ratana's Temple where a service will take place for about an hour or so.  Once the service is over, we're back on the road and heading toward Rotorua.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh, I so wish I was there to share this experience with you. Glad that you share on the blog.
    Hugs, n Prayers.


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